Sunday 15 April 2012

The Wedding

With the wedding being only round the corner, Shiloh was beginning to panic, worrying that something bad would happen and the wedding would be called off, or her dress wouldn't arrive in time, all these things buzzing through were buzzing through her mind, making her more paranoid than ever. Lily of course, had done this before, and was confident that everything was going to be fine.
"Shiloh, stop worrying, you dress will turn up soon, i promise" Lily tried to comfort the rmess that Shiloh was, as she started to panic about her dress,
"Oh don't be stupid Lily! MY DRESS WON'T TURN UP AND I'LL HAVE TO GO IN A BIN BAG, AND EVERYTHING WILL BE RUINED, YOU'LL CALL OFF THE WEDDING AND GO OFF WITH A YOUNGER VERSION OF ME, AND YOU'LL KICK ME OUT AND I'LL LIVE ON THE STREETS IN MY BIN BAG WEDDING DRESS"  Lily knew that Shiloh was being serious, but she couldn't help but burst into laughter, Shiloh burst into tears and collapsed in Lily's arms,
"I just love you too much for this to go wrong" she wept, Lily held Shiloh at arms length, and smiled, she didn't say anything to her, she just looked her in the eyes, that's when Shiloh knew everything was going to be okay, Lily kissed her, wiping the tears off her cheeks, and went to make dinner.

Days had past and finally the big day was here,
"Good morning" Shiloh murmured, her eyes still closed,
"Today's the big daay" Lily sang, her voice croaky and cracked, Shiloh smiled as she heard the excitement in Lily's voice,
"You're so cute in the morning" Shiloh whispered, kissing her cheek, before pulling herself out of bed, and walking to the bathroom,
"That reminds me" Lily mumbled sleepily, "I have to leave soon" Shiloh popped her head out of the bathroom as she brushed her teeth,
"Why?" Shiloh asked, sounding almost upset,
"So i can get ready silly, and besides, the weddings at six and you'll see me then" she said, patting the creases out of her yellow summer dress, Shiloh smiled, she remembered that little flower girl from high school, the way she would smile and the way her hair would waft in the wind, the sweet, summery smell of her perfume would dance down the corridors, leaving Shiloh breathless.
"What's up" Lily asked, looking up from what she was doing,
"Nothing" Shiloh said dreamily, shaking her head and doing her make-up,
"Oh Bonnie's here!" Lily sang as she looked out of the window, she quickly kissed Shiloh on the cheek, before hurrying off to the car.

So urm, what do you think? I'm wanting to write some kind of legacy type thing, but i wanted to see peoples reaction first, so i can get there opinions first, well I hoped you enjoyed!

Saturday 7 April 2012

It's changed...AGAIN

I can never make up my mind, okay?
Well hello for the second time today? Which is impressive as I haven't been present in..oh a few months now..
I've been playing sims pretty much no stop all week, and in this time, I've managed to change one lovely little lady sim (Lily Justice) into a Mother of four, happily married to Ewan Justice (who use to be Shiloh's husband in my old game )': ) The twins,who were born first, Levi and Bonnie Justice (I know boy and girl twins! I was so happy (: ) Are graduating soon, and are both in a relationship Levi is with Rayne Ursine (child of PREMADE sim, i know shocking) and Bonnie is with Dave May (who was her babysitter since she was a baby..then was edited the fuck out of and changed his name) they've just been to prom, and were named Prom King and Queen, which was lovely and a little creepy at the same time, because if i've watched as many american teen movies, the Queen and King are suppose to slow dance in front of everyone? Right?
There little brother...Jasper Justice (I can feel you judging me through the screen) is off to Boarding school soon, with her imaginary friend..Drop Dead Fred (Comment if you get the reference!) and then the youngest, Fred Justice (I've been watching Drop Dead Fred everynight since monday so Fred's been a popular name recently) and thats what I've managed to do!

OH and I gave Shiloh a little make over if you didn't see with my cover photo!
And of course she had to be wearing that top! :3
And if you were wondering, her Hair is store bought (I know i know shameful) but it's really pretty! I bought some other crap aswell which is worth buying! (In fact, I'll make a post about it later if your interested, well i'll probably make it anyway even if you don't care..)
But i hope you've enjoyed this little update!
Chow <3

Sunday 1 April 2012

Please don't beat me with sticks..

Urm so hey :)
Sorry about the absents recently! With the deadness of and i've lost touch with the whole blog thing, which is always a major bummer :/
BUT!I am back as it is THE TWO WEEK EASTER HOLIDAY! :D So there shall HOPEFULLY be more updates and simmies for you guys! 
Chow <3

Thursday 19 January 2012

New Layout.

You Like?
Hello My Fellow Readers! Been Some Time Since I've Posted, Huh? Yeah..About That..
As You Can See My Taste In Fashion Has Changed A Little..I Will Still Be Posting My Emo/Goth/Punky Peoples, But I'm Quite Into The Whole Indie/Vintage Thing Atm! (Obviously) I'm Also Into House Decorating! (Not irl, Man If I Was Good At Stuff Like That At Home I'd Have An Awesome House) I Take Pre-made Sims Houses And Decorate It With A Budget Of 50,000, Soo If You'd Like Me To Decorate YOUR House Just Hit Me Up A Comment Or Message Here. (Only If Member)

Also I Made A New Simmie! And I Luvs Her <3

That's My Cover Girl As A Teen. N'aw :') They Grow Up So Fast. (As You Can See She's STILL Wearing That Dress...) I Haven't Taken Many Pictures Surprisingly Usually When I Get A New Sim I Like I Press The Shit Of That C Button...
Anyway! Hope You Like The New Layout! And I'll Post Soon (Probably..Maybe..I Dunno..)
CHOW! <3

Sunday 6 November 2011

Holy Mother of DUCK!

Ok guys, everyone from is literally FREAKING out because we can't get to our profiles, well, maybe not everyone, but I certainly am! Ok, so let me tell you the heart ache story of not being able to get onto
It all started on the 6th of November, it was nearly half eleven, and I'd just finished looking at 'Can constipated people fart' I hadn't checked my profile since yesterday morning, so I thought I'd see if I'd got any replies. So, i typed into the search bar, Furyredsays, i clicked the first link whilst watching my bother and cousin shot zombies on there game, when a horribly, disturbing site game up...It was all to do with God! *Bursts into tears* Is Jesus really god? And something about Sermon (which sounded pretty god damn weird to me) I thought google chrome was bein a bee tart, so i refreshed the page, nothing changed, I pressed back up, refreshed the page, and clicked on again, exactly the same, so i pressed back up again, and scrolled down, clicking on blog entires, NOPE! It wasn't Angel murdering another victim, it was something about god's love or something like that..SO..if you a friend from furyedsays reading this, give me something so we stay in contact until her site is fixed!! :S I'm gonna go play sims..See you soon! x

Saturday 5 November 2011

You will look at her beauty!

Hey there guys, no, I'm not dead..well..maybe :P Recently, i got my sims working on the ol laptop,which is a BIG success for me, as I have had trouble with the sims since sims 2, yeah, EA doesn't like me :P
But anyway, since I've had success with sims, I've made a pretty little character which I'm quite proud of, her name Is Milly Wayne, why? Because I couldn't think of creative unique name, so deal with it :P I only have a few pictures, which surprises me because when I like a sim i go crazy and start hammering C on my keyboard...
Also, it turns you can use pose player on pregnant simmies, which I never knew...but yes, this is Milly, preggers with her second child,Glen, I've only taken one picture of her and lil Glen
Also, i never knew you could take baby-babies in prams, i kinda hoped they'd have the ones where the pram faces you, so you can see the new born, but thats too much work for poor little EA...o_o
ANd have any of you had this? With the latest update, a few pet things are sneaking in, and I wish there was a opsion to sue, because this is what the Little italian place gave Milly..
What is it you say? CHICKEN FOOD! FUCKING GOURMET CHICKEN FOOD. Ok guys, yeah she was preggers, but that doesn't mean you should feed her pet food, and the weird thing was is that she ate it like a sandwich..I think my game may of got confused at some point, next you'll see dogs eating sushi in there dog bowls...But it turned out i was not the only one, sadly i forgot to take a picture, but a blonde lady came out with a massive bowl of fish food, and ate it like a diamond sandwich...I any of you got this, please comment below telling me what your sim HAD to eat :P BAI!! <3

Sunday 2 October 2011

It's my Birthday Soooon! xx

Yes, I am actually alive, see, my internet has been taken away, because we ignored the fact we were over a broad band width..Shoulda listened really..BUT, we didn't so the mean people of sky took it away, leaving us sad and interletness, it was a bad time for me, as I couldn't check Facebook and, the general stuff i casually stroll paste when I'm online.
Now you may be wondering how I'm writing this..At my Dad's house, he DOES have internet, and technology is something that you can't miss in my Dad's house, three computers, and office, a Wii, 40 inch TV, kinect, xbox, gamecube, and my pride and joy, my beloved apple mac, which follows me about everywhere in it's little bag! So internet is required here, and being only my Dad in the flat, passing the broad band width is really not a problem :D
BUUTT! Sims 3 decided to be a pain in the backside, and say 'Error, please restart' when I went to play the game, so i uninstalled it off the laptop, (and installed MySims instead!) and installed it on the home computer!
BUT! (This is another but) I am carry on with the Pluto's! (For the small group of fans it had) but I went back to school like, four weeks ago, so I've been M A J O R L E Y  busy with school work and homework and shizzleeee! Soon I have a half term, but more importantly..IT'S MAH BIRTHDAY ON THE 16TH OCTOBER!! Send me love! xx Sims 3 Pets comes out, a DAY after mine! Annoying huh? ANNNDDD, recentley I re bought MySims Agents, OMFG! I forgot how facking AWESHUM it is!!!!!!! In fact, I'm gonna go play it now, I'll update you on more shit as I get closer to my B-Day!!! BAAII! xx